Partnering to Raise Money and Help Save Lives
HEC Paris in Qatar, recently hosted an awareness lecture, conducted by “Screen For Life”, Qatar’s National Breast and Bowel Cancer Screening program led by Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC).
Sorry, not a cheery start.
Mason said, “This group is more like a sisterhood, that’s the way I feel”. That is why she has volunteered to talk to teachers and pupils about her own experience of having breast cancer.
While survival rates are rising, unfortunately the incidence of breast cancer is also rising year on year. In urban communities the incidence is as high as one in eight.
In addition to celebrating the lives of those who are fighting or who have fought breast cancer, the women also hope that the event will continue to raise awareness and inspire those who are still battling. “Once they’re through with diagnosis and treatment, it’s like they’re in a hole”.
Holland says part of the funding is used to pay for mammograms for women in need.
“The doctor sat me down and just kept apologizing”, Harris said, referring to her radiologist’s reaction.
“The people here every year, I find someone who motivates me during the run. It’s the only thing I can say, it warms my heart”, Johnson said. Williams shared that one recent attendee had a daughter in her 20s going through breast cancer. But you can try to stack the odds in your favour. About 12 percent women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. “The more you do, the lower your risk becomes”.
For many participating, they say this race has a special meaning.
Weight training also has cancer protective effects. “It is especially effective for women with dense breast tissue”.
Ger Collins is an ambassador for Breast Cancer Ireland.
In other words, three to four glasses of wine increases your risk by 35-40 per cent.
Age is another risk factor as the gynecologist points out. Government should be trying to overcome this disease by taking the health of women and children serious.
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and among the top five causes of death among those with the disease. That’s when breast surgeon Professor Arnold Hill confirmed that the lump was indeed a tumour.
In the USA, roughly 1 in 8 women has the likelihood of developing invasive breast cancer during her life.
October is breast cancer awareness month, and thousands of organizations worldwide organise campaigns to highlight the importance of breast cancer awareness and most importantly the benefits that come with early detection. Therefore, raising awareness and understanding about breast cancer risks, early signs and symptoms and overall breast health is an important part of our public health approach.