Paul puts Hillary’s ‘great work of fiction’ on the auction block
“I have now sent each of them a copy of my book, ‘Hard Choices, ‘” she said, according to CNN.
Clinton sent a letter with the books, which reads in part: “From working to restore America’s standing in the world to bringing crippling sanctions to Iran to negotiating a ceasefire in Gaza, please enjoy all 596 pages of my time as secretary of state”.
Bill Clinton thinks Donald Trump is a “master brander”.
Clinton joked about the gag, telling an audience here that she sent them so the Republican candidates – who often knock her accomplishments leading the State Department – could read about what she did.
Clinton spent the summer rolling out her economic plans, but has yet to roll out how she will take on Wall Street.
Democrats described what a Sanders presidency would look like, with many of them saying that his chances of clinching the nomination are good.
“Hillary Clinton professes herself as a crusader for the middle class, but her fundraising and voting record paint a different picture”, wrote Scott Pine, president of UCLA’s Bruins for Bernie.
“Hillary Clinton has a long history of being domestically violent with Bill”.
Hillary’s campaign to become the next US President was already embroiled in controversy after it was found that she used her personal email for sending official messages when she was Secretary of State.
So now Hillary is just dumping copies of her failed memoir on Republican candidates. “Shame on you, Barack Obama!”
Hillary Clinton and actress Meryl Streep share a laugh at the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors gala.
In January, Clinton delivered a fiery speech to Congress about the Benghazi attacks on USA soldiers. His seeming viability is causing a few Clinton allies to wonder whether she’d be best paring back her presence and conceding the Granite State’s first-in-the-nation primary so she could focus her efforts elsewhere.