People are mocking Apple boss Tim Cook’s blurry Super Bowl iPhone pictire
Apple CEO Tim Cook was at the Super Bowl last night and chose to snap a picture of the post-game celebration down on the field, presumably using an iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is usually the brand’s best spokesperson – but, as it turns out, he’s not the best candidate to show off the iPhone’s photography capabilities. Either that, or the Apple TV will need to usher in an app revolution a’la the original iPhone.
No word yet from Apple about the Music’s adoption growth in Android, but the app’s page on the Google Play Store is now showing 1 to 5 million installs; Apple says the Android app is still “in beta”.
When Apple launched Apple Music on Android in 2014, the mobile OS of its competitor Google, the Cupertino-based tech titan wanted to test how its services are accepted on other hardware.
There’s no official word yet as to what apps we might expect from the iPhone manufacturer, but potential choices include a slew of iCloud services from calendars to email to notes.
Cook didn’t specify which Apple apps and services could one day make their way to Android, but there are several key suspects that Android switcher would like to see.
Apple Music is now charging customers $9.99 per month for individual membership and $14.99, also per month, for family membership.
Aside from the issues mentioned above, Apple also needs to assess what number of Android users would actually want Apple’s services on their devices.