Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow Confirmed for 3DS with Online Functionality
One exception will be that Nintendo will mimic link cable functionality through wifi instead.
Get your Pokemon-loving butt to the the eShop – again. A few of the revelations mentioned include the character Cloud from “Final Fantasy VII” will also be used and will join as a character in the playable DLC of “Super Smash Bros.” for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. In addition, “captured” Pokemon will play a role in helping you complete additional puzzles.
The great news coming from the Nintendo Direct today however is that they are coming.
February 27, 2016 is an important milestone in Pokemon history, as it is the day that the original two games, Red and Blue hit store shelves and kicked off the entire enormous franchise.
Xenoblade Chronicles X will release on December 4 with will have preload downloads that is nearly at 10 GB to improve loading performance. Now, you’ll be able to trade wirelessly with friends, wherever you may be. Not like a few freemium title, but Red, Blue, and Yellow.