Pope briefs priests: don’t be smug, don’t judge sinners
The confessor corps officially begins its mission on Ash Wednesday. “And if you can not give someone absolution, please, do not “beat” him”.
Pope Francis then underlined the importance of the desire of forgiveness in the heart of those who come to confession. He said he plans on setting up a whiteboard with times throughout the day so that people can reserve a slot to sit down with him, either in the church or outside if being inside a church makes them uncomfortable. This year, aside from the customary pledge to give something up, people have something else to keep up for the next few weeks-listening to Pope Francis’ daily audio messages on Telegram, a messaging app. The Pope’s Tuesday morning Mass marked these special events. Such sins would include an attempt on the life of the Pope or a priest who violates the seal of the confessional.
It’s often hard for pastors, who are so used to taking care of other people, to realize they are weak too and should ask for help.
Recalling the day’s Gospel passage, in which the Pharisees and scribes condemn Jesus and his disciples for not observing traditions, the pope reminded the Capuchins that confessors are called to be “great forgivers in the confessional”. Others who wrongly feel themselves pure “only know how to condemn”.
The guides, as well as the pope’s address that morning, focused on the importance of self-reflection as someone prepares to go to the confession booth. “Be men of forgiveness, reconciliation, peace”.
Francis says confessors shouldn’t judge “with a sense of superiority” but welcome penitents with open arms. “If a person comes to me in the confessional, it’s because they feel burdened by something heavy, and they want to remove it”, he said.
New details about the possible effects of the Zika virus on the fetal brain emerged Wednesday as USA health officials say mosquito eradication here and overseas is key to protect pregnant women until they can…
“Remember, you are not dealing with sin but a repentant sinner, a sinner who wants to change but can’t”, he said, telling them to “cover the sinner with a blanket of mercy, so that he is no longer ashamed and can rediscover joy”.
“The “24 Hours for the Lord” initiative in March will be a graced opportunity to receive the mercy of God in Confession during this Jubilee Year of Mercy”.
When Paul tells his readers to “be reconciled to God” in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, he’s not just giving a piece of good, fatherly advice or making a suggestion, but is offering “a true and genuine petition in the name of Christ”, the Pope said.
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.