Pope Francis Visits Homeless In D.C.
The dispute is not between these atheists and the proclaimer of God’s word, but between God and man. Our vocation is to be lived in joy.
Surrounding Pope Francis’s first-ever visit to the United States, Americans are asking: Is this pope doing something new? But, He also said, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21).
After his historic speech to Congress and greeting tens of thousands of people outside of the Capitol building, Pope Francis addressed roughly 400 people at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in downtown Washington. Not save actual human beings who are being slaughtered, I didn’t hear that speech, not from anyone today. I accompany you at this time of pain and difficulty, and I thank God for your faithful service to his people. So always tell each other the wrong things you have done.
Our own Narcissist n’chief Obama has stood against Christians time and time again, while telling us all to get off our “high horse” for our involvement in the great crusades where Christians finally woke up and were forced to respond to Islam in a military fashion.
Remembrance of when we were first called, remembrance of the road travelled, remembrance of graces received… and, above all, remembrance of our encounter with Jesus Christ so often along the way. “With these two realities each of the Churches entrusted to us remains Catholic, because open to, and in communion with, all the particular Churches and with the Church of Rome which ‘presides in charity'”. It is a good read and provides information on the Holy Father’s past which helps in understanding who is this 226th successor of Saint Peter the Apostle.
A second area is the spirit of hard work.
Jesus keeps knocking on our doors, the doors of our lives. He said that he had a dogmatic certainty that God was in everyone’s life, that no matter who we are or what we’ve done, that God never grows exhausted of loving us. “Whenever this certainty weakens, we end up being caretakers of ash, and not guardians and dispensers of the true light and the warmth which causes our hearts to burn within us”. Not that these things are unimportant!
While Francis assured the bishops that he did “not come to judge you or to lecture you”, his remarks left little doubt that he wanted them to set a new course away from the culture warrior path they have followed in recent years – focusing on fights against abortion and gay marriage, for example – and toward a more balanced approach that reaches out to all who are in need. The whole concept of “fighting against God” is one that ought to make anyone who seeks to be saved shiver in their boots. Our Lord and the Holy Bible states the unborn are God created and have rights. It is because God uses His power to bring creatures to life and perfection that He has a claim on creatures to be obeyed. Her sacrificial love likewise becomes the source and emblem of her authority. We don’t have to be afraid of Him, but we better fear what He is going to do to the ones that go against His Word. Closeness to the poor, the refugee, the immigrant, the sick, the exploited, the elderly living alone, prisoners and all God’s other poor, will teach us a different way of resting, one which is more Christian and generous. What would happen? I would die and you would live.
Every good thing is ours.
Perhaps volunteering with a local church to help lead worship is a way you can give. “Women of strength, fighters, with that spirit of courage which puts you in the front lines in the proclamation of the Gospel”, he said to applause. Share a message of hope and equality – some equality, like more in the realm of Orwell’s Animal Farm – and watch the people renew their faith. The important thing about this biblical definition of faith is that it focuses on Who Jesus is, not on you or your efforts. These brothers had been working many hours getting ready for an annual event.