President Obama issues executive actions on gun control
“Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad”, he said wiping tears from his eyes. Since then, the Jewish lawmaker has led advocacy for gun control.
If the president wants to rewrite the law, he must work with Congress to do so.
On the radio, Christie repeated his criticism of Obama from Sunday, when he called the president a “petulant child” for resorting to executive orders when the Republican-controlled Congress refused to support his initiatives. “Instead of gun control we need police officers with more guns in Detroit”. “But maybe we could try to stop one act of evil, one act of violence”, the president said in his remarks Tuesday.
Rep. Luke Messer (R-Indiana) says the President’s move to expand background checks to guns sales done online, at flea markets and gun shows will be challenged, possibly even by members of the Democratic party. The president underscored that the measures will not violate USA citizens’ constitutional right to bear and keep arms.
At gun shows, there are usually a lot of different vendors, licensed and unlicensed, selling a wide variety of guns.
Most of the New Mexico Congressional delegation issued statements on Tuesday afternoon regarding executive actions regarding guns announced by the White House this week.
Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, said the president had never respected the Second Amendment and that his speech and his actions “amount to a form of intimidation that undermines liberty”.
“I hunt, I love guns, I go to gun shows, I buy guns”.
He added that he didn’t see any dangers in the action either. “We do need to feel a sense of urgency about it. In Dr. King’s words, ‘We need to feel the fierce urgency of now'”.
“Year after year, the evidence is clear that states with fewer guns and strong gun laws have far lower rates of gun deaths”, VPC Legislative Director Kristen Rand stated.
The Health and Human Services Department would also remove legal barriers so that states could report people who are prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons to the federal background check system. It also accused the president of using the issue to distract the public from terrorism concerns.
“Most executive actions that he takes are illegal”, Fred’s Gun Emporium Gunsmith Ricky Parrish said.