President Trump at CPAC
Trump just now: “They shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they use the person’s name”.
Trump then called the news media dishonest, saying they lied about his claim that fake news, not them, being the enemy. “Let their name be put out there”.
During his now infamous Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) speech, President Donald Trump blasted the media for using “unnamed sources”, Bloomberg reports. “So we’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare”. NPR White House correspondent Tamara Keith has more.
However, members of his White House team regularly demand anonymity when talking to reporters.
President Trump is taking a victory lap before a roaring crowd of conservative activists. He referred to a recent tweet in which he said some in the United States news media should be considered an “enemy of the people”.
Trump’s first appearance in 2011 offered clues to his political ambitions.
Elizabeth Connors of NY recalled past gatherings as collections of the “downtrodden”. And we’ll see you again next year, and the year after that.
This is weird. Trump says WaPo made up sources on the Flynn story, which resulted in WH confirming story and firing Flynn over it. I’ll be doing this with CPAC whenever I can and I’ll make sure that we’re here a lot. You know, my first major speech was at CPAC, probably five or six years ago.
Regarding his own reference to a non-existent incident in Sweden, reportedly based on a Fox report on a documentary, Trump seemed reluctant to admit his error, and instead said that though “he loves Sweden”, no one was reporting on the crises allegedly caused by its immigration policy. “But it gave me an idea”. Charter was later thrown out of the conference for yelling during Trump’s speech. He denounced Hillary Clinton’s characterization of some of his supporters as belonging in a “basket of deplorables”. “They just make them up when there are none”.
Praising Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders, he reiterated that he liked Bernie Sanders and that people who wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders and couldn’t, voted for Donald Trump instead. “Let their name be put out there”, Trump said.
USA Today reported that, among the Democrat voters, 86 percent admitted that they believed the media more than the president.
Trump has previously and vehemently rallied against the use of anonymous sources.
It was the latest in a series of attacks that, critics said, are created to undermine coverage of Trump’s troubles in office, including investigations into possible links between his campaign associates and Russians during last year’s presidential election.
“The fake news doesn’t tell the truth”, Trump said, refuting his previous claim. And in the midst of barbecuing the media, Trump stepped back to say that he loves the First Amendment.