Public Lands Day cuts fees at outdoor sites
“A total of 24 of our state parks will be participating as volunteers, a vital cornerstone in our park system, don work gloves and boots and tackle an array of important projects”.
National Public Lands Day is the largest single day of volunteerism each year on America’s public lands, according to park officials.
Yellowstone National Park will provide drinks and snacks throughout the day.
The observance is meant to recognize the importance of parks and encourage volunteer work.
NPLD educates Americans about the environment and natural resources and the need for shared stewardship of these valued, irreplaceable lands.
Taking pride in our public lands is a team effort. Project details, registration and other information can be found on-line at Planned activities include kayaking, footbridge construction, a beach clean-up, marine invertebrate identification, nature walks, trail projects and all day kid friendly activities including an environmentally focused story time and a scavenger hunt.
The Pacific Northwest Region consists of 16 National Forests, 59 District Offices, a National Scenic Area, and a National Grassland.
Officially, National Public Lands Day is September 26, but Englebright Lake will celebrate it a week early to align their efforts with other clean-up projects in the area. The National Environmental Education Foundation manages, coordinates and generates financial support for the program. Volunteers can meet at 9 the Davidson Street lot, (off of Merrimack Street) to pitch-in with the park and partners Lowell Canalwater Cleaners and Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust at a cleanup on the Concord River.