Randstad included in Dow Jones Sustainability Index
The DJSI, reviewed annually by the S&P Dow Jones Index Committee and RobecoSAM, is a global index which tracks the financial performance of leading sustainability-driven companies. This is the fourth consecutive year that Hershey has been included in the North America Index and the third year Hershey has been named to the World Index.
Inclusion in the index requires companies to demonstrate leadership across many different facets of sustainability. “Through our industry-wide sustainability initiative, CocoaAction, we’ve aligned with our peers to support farmers and farming communities, which is good for the long-term future of cocoa production”.
Guido Giese, Head of Indices, RobecoSAM, commented: “Over the years the DJSI family has not only come to be the gold standard for corporate sustainability but has also become a competitive platform where companies receive recognition for their sustainability practices”.
Companies are chosen for the indices based on an assessment of long-term economic, environmental and social criteria.
“The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices are comprehensive benchmarks that allow investors to gauge the collective performance of those companies”. Unilever has been a member of the DJSI World Index since it began in 1999. This annual questionnaire provides an in-depth analysis of economic, environmental and social criteria, such as corporate governance, water-related risks and stakeholder relations, with a special focus on industry-specific risks and opportunities. Over 20,000 employees in 50 countries are working to make Air Products the world’s safest and best performing industrial gases company, providing sustainable offerings and excellent service to all customers. Compared with the previous year, the Company scored 5 more points, achieving an overall result of 85 out of 100. In fiscal 2014, Air Products had sales of $10.4 billion and was ranked number 276 on the Fortune 500 annual list of public companies.