Read the full White House budget blueprint
It’s even possible that Meals on Wheels fits those criteria and the money would be better spent on something else.
There are nearly 500 elderly people on waiting lists in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties who need the services of Meals on Wheels.
“We’re just under a $9 million budget”, Archer-Smith said of the Central Maryland program, “and when you cut several thousand dollars from that, it means that people aren’t served and that meals aren’t being delivered”. If you were writing a satire created to show that Republicans were all heartless bastards, you still wouldn’t invent something like that.
I would hardly put anything beyond the Trump administration at this point, but hell, this is bad PR.
This successful public-private partnership, for which every federal dollar is matched with about three dollars from other sources, enables at-risk seniors to stay out of more expensive healthcare settings and remain more healthy, safe and independent in their own homes, where they want to be.
This year, Mulvaney proposed that the program be eliminated entirely.
The budget also eliminates the $3 billion community block grant program, which some communities use to supplement Meals on Wheels and provide safety checks for the elderly.
Some programs will be hit hard by Trump’s budget and some might not be severely affected, Bertolette said.
According to Meals-On-Wheels workers, the recipients are diverse and many are home-bound, so they look forward to seeing the volunteers. And the federally funded Child and Adult Care Food Program, which feeds over 4 million children daily in child care centers, family care homes, and after-school programs, has provided kids better nutrition than they’d get elsewhere, which in turn is associated with better educational outcomes. This is the discretionary part of the budget, half of which, as you know, is defense, and the other half is everything else, the alphabet soup of government.
Meals on Wheels’ benefits to the vulnerable, she said, go beyond delivered food. The CDBGs have been identified as programs by the second Bush administration as ones that were just not showing any results.
“We can’t do that anymore”.
Right now, many programs in Los Angeles County that rely on federal funding say they’d have to figure out what to do if that money suddenly disappears. Similarly, there are cuts in infrastructure programs at the Department of Transportation for the same reason, he said. But the Senior Home Repair Program, or SHARP, used $53,500 in federal funding for the fiscal year of 2016, out of $61,907 put into 27 homes in 2016.
I think the White House is smart to turn this debate around and say “look this isn’t just about benefits to people, it’s about taking money out of [Tony’s] listeners” pockets.’ Somebody is paying for Meals on Wheels – there’s federal money for that – and it’s a worker in IN who maybe wants to see their tax dollars better spent. “Help us defend these vital services today”, the ad reads. Mulvaney explained how this budget helps fulfil the President’s promises he made on the campaign trail that includes rebuilding the military, strengthening the border and law enforcement and helping veterans without adding to the deficit.
Note how far apart those two snippets are.
The budget blueprint sent to Congress March 16 does not deal with the debt, Mulvaney said.