Republican health care bill breaks nearly all of Trump’s promises
“I have worked on Medicaid and uninsured and health care access issues in Texas for well over 20 years”, she chuckles.
Enrollment in the individual insurance plans created under Obamacaredeclined to 12.2 million Americans, the USA government said on Wednesday as Republican lawmakers and the Trump administration sought to repeal the healthcare law. It’s actually much more likely to hurt Trump voters than sort of young millennials. The guy that worked in the coal mine or the guy who’s a self-employed plumber, the person who stands on the concrete floor and lifts heavy things all day, that person is not going to be helped necessarily by this wonderful philosophical plan put forth by the Republicans as hey, this is really great market-based approach – well, delightful.
With a proud nonpartisan history of working to solve health care challenges, the AMA has sought to advance the national conversation about health system reform because America’s physicians witness the consequences of federal, state and private- sector policies on a daily basis. In 2026, it would be 24 million larger. But he and other Republican backers of the overhaul have argued the legislation would be phased in carefully and would allow more people to purchase the kind of coverage they want, free of mandates from Washington. In addition, rising premiums would deter some from buying insurance. Republicans, more than six years after the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, still were reprising Obama’s broken promise, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”.
But the effect of shifting Medicaid to block-grant funding spurs plenty of argument on whether it would be a positive or a negative, for the state and the tens of thousands of people now covered by the program. If you have a period of time without coverage longer than 63 days, you will pay a 30 percent increase in the premium to the insurance company.
HHS said about four in five customers, or 10.1 million, qualified for taxpayer-funded subsidies that make their premium bills more affordable.
It expands the use and size of health-savings accounts, which are tax-deductible accounts that can be used to pay for medical costs.
Republicans are applauding this.
“(Are you) going to treat healthy kids who need quality health care the same way you’re going to treat a disabled individual or an older individual?”
But it wouldn’t work out the same for everyone.
Almost 10.1 million consumers qualified for federal subsidies that reduced their premiums to less than 10% of their income. The prospect for increased charity care costs has made Democrats who control the Legislature particularly skeptical.
The current legislation “provides nearly no new flexibility for states, does not ensure the resources necessary to make sure no one is left out, and shifts significant new costs to states”, they wrote. Currently, insurers can charge older enrollees three times what they charge someone younger. Some senators worry that the House Republicans’ plan would leave millions of Americans without coverage. Not coincidentally, that’s also the group that would see its cost of insurance climb in a huge way. The axing of only the Medicaid expansion and subsidies would more than double the number of children uninsured, from 95,000 to 202,000, or from 3.4 percent to 7.2 percent.
Voters prefer ObamaCare over the House GOP’s repeal plan, a new poll showed Wednesday. For the fourth straight year, enrollments on the ACA exchanges failed to meet projections – both original and adjusted projections from the Barack Obama administration.
“About half of what Texas hospitals get from Medicaid today comes through payments that are outside from the regular Medicaid program”, she says, which adds up to $4 billion in federal funds every year.