Researchers warn of bogus emails offering Windows 10
Windows 10 features Microsoft Edge, a slick new browser that offers built-in commenting on the web via typing or inking – sharing comments.
Users who run these systems need to download the setup file for their version of the operating system (32-bit or 64-bit), and run it afterwards. Installing Windows 10 automatically sets Edge as a user’s default browser.
Now we’ve just got to hope that Microsoft removes the forced updates altogether.
Microsoft, in response to the letter provided a statement to The Verge, saying, “We designed Windows 10 to provide a simple upgrade experience for users and a cohesive experience following the upgrade. We build Firefox and our other products for this reason”, said Beard in the open letter.
He said, “Windows 10 delivers on our more personal computing vision, with a natural, mobile and trusted experience”.
Windows 10 continues to garner mixed reactions and reviews by users, following its launch last week.
The Windows Store app that once could be opened to a full screen size in Windows 8.1 can now be used as a normal desktop application.
By contrast Windows 7 and Windows 8 have not been made free by Microsoft following Windows 10’s release and the company has no plans to make them so. He dubs the process confusing and hard to navigate, and thinks users would easily get lost. Like Windows 10 itself, the updates will be free. In case if you want to access other traditional Control Panel options, just search on the tab above. Once there, you have to scroll to the bottom of the little page where there is the drop-down (or rather jump-up) menu with all the browsers.
Kerensa points out that when this kind of change happens in Firefox “Mozilla calls it acting on behalf of the user”. Now they are clamoring about Microsoft changing their defaults?
It is also equally interesting to see what new devices PC makers will introduce in the coming months as well as potential new handsets from the Microsoft Lumia line. But the camera’s definitely the coolest, most seamless way to go, and I’ve honestly got no clue if laptop manufacturers are going to buy in, because the camera’s not really good for much else yet.