Rick Santorum Takes Aim a Ted Cruz in New TV Ad
Cruz’s campaign has previously been on the air in New Hampshire with two minor spots, including an ad during the first GOP debate in September that used a scorpion to portray the peril of Islamic terrorism. Referring to the Renewable Fuels Standard, a federal mandate on the amount of ethanol required in gasoline, the statement continued: “Our economy depends on a strong RFS, and Iowans count on $5 billion in wages thanks to it. Ted Cruz wants to kill their jobs, and we are going to make sure every Iowan knows that”.
She served as Huckabee’s press secretary in 2008 when he won the Iowa caucuses and several other states as well as press secretary during former Sen.
By calling on the armed activists to “stand down”, Cruz struck a much more moderate tone than he has previously with regard to the Bundy family and western activism against federal land policies.
America’s Renewable Future has also run radio ads statewide critical of Cruz and targeted him with direct-mail and digital ads. Very badly. In fact, at 0.8%, Rick Santorum is polling slightly better than myself into the race for the Republican nomination, and I’m proud to say I have not spent a dime on my campaign. And what element of the Cruz campaign has Santorum chosen to attack?
On his first day in office, Cruz said, he would rescind many of President Obama’s executive orders, open an investigation into the women’s health organization and abortion provider Planned Parenthood, order federal agencies to cease what he described as intrusions into Americans’ religious freedom, nullify the Obama administration’s nuclear agreement with Iran, and move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Vote Ted Cruz: As president, he will not enjoy a single moment of levity. “That’s a blessing and a curse”. “That’s tough to do if Donald Trump manages to turnout non-traditional voters and outpaces Cruz”. His team already has campaign leaders in all 99 of the state’s counties, has aggressively courted evangelical clergy, and has rented dorm-like housing in Des Moines for volunteers from Texas. It, too, shows scary pictures of terrorists, over which our man says, “serious times require serious leadership”-almost identical to the lame slogan in Santorum’s ad”.