Ryan rips Trump comments on Mexican judge after endorsement
In publicly announcing his support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., promised that he would continue to speak up when he disagreed with Trump.
Ryan said the comment was ‘totally out of left field, ‘ appearing on WISN’s ‘Up Front with Vicki McKenna Friday.
“Well, I think we’ll agree on …”, Trump began, pausing to think.
Trump told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has “an absolute conflict of interest” because of his Mexican heritage as well as “an inherent conflict of interest” because Trump wants to build the border wall.
The controversial remarks focused on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who’s hearing a Trump University lawsuit. If you really feel that the right thing to do for the Republican Speaker of the House was to help elect a Democrat then you need to reexamine your own priorities. He added, “I hope it’s not”.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered a odd answer when questioned about his newly kindled political relationship with House Speaker Paul Ryan.
In a video released by his office today, Ryan previewed the GOP election-year agenda, titled “A Better Way”.
Ryan did not specifically use the word “endorse” in his column, but his spokesman, Brendan Buck, made clear that Ryan’s move should be seen as an endorsement.
In Ryan’s Trump endorsement yesterday, he did make a point to suggest that he would continue to voice dissent when he felt it was necessary – such as when Trump’s rhetoric crosses a line or serves only to inflame tensions between the Republican Party and potential voters. John Thune said Monday “it’s not a good place to be” for Republicans to have to repeatedly explain their presumptive nominee’s statements.
“He did mention it [Thursday] in his interview with a Santa Fe newspaper, and so I’m encouraged, but I do want to have a sit-down conversation with him about other issues that impact New Mexico”, the governor said Friday.
“He said he would give military officers unlawful orders and expect them to comply”, Adler said, referring to Trump’s claim that the military would follow his orders to torture suspected terrorists.
The House GOP agenda project was launched at the annual GOP policy retreat in January. But it is reasoning that he has endorsed, that he has accepted as GOP policy and that will be the party message for the rest of 2016.
Ryan assigned the chairmen of the existing standing committees to launch task forces to vet ideas through dozens of meetings among rank-and-file House members. It was a sad day for the speaker, for his party and for all Americans who hoped that some Republican leaders would have the fortitude to put principle over partisanship, job security or the forlorn fantasy that Mr.Trump will advance a traditional GOP agenda.
Aides to Ryan and Trump have been in regular contact in recent weeks discussing elements of the agenda project, according to Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong.
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