Salt Warning Labels Required in NYC Restaurants
Starting Dec. 1, New York City chain restaurants will have to post an icon next to food items that contain more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium.
O’Hara of the Center for Science in the Public Interest pointed to these moves from Panera as a sign that requiring the addition of the little salt shaker symbol next to extremely high sodium foods could encourage restaurants to limit the amount of sodium on their menus.
Now New York will also be the first U.S. city to tackle excess salt consumption with new menu labels. According to Medical Daily, high salt can lead to high blood pressure, cognitive decline, bone-loss, and edema-when your body holds onto extra water and swells. A new rule from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene goes into effect Tuesday, requiring establishments that are part of chains with 15 or more locations nationally to mark dishes that contain 2,300 milligrams (about a teaspoon) or more of sodium.
“So this new sodium-warning label, which you’ll see going up around the city on menus and menu boards beginning tomorrow, will make people aware of that”. Still, New Yorkers consume slightly less salt – about 3,239 mg of salt on a daily basis – a health department report shows.
The Times says about 10 percent of menu items in those restaurants will need the warning symbol. Additionally, high blood pressure, which is promoted by a high sodium intake, is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, health officials noted.
“We’ve developed as a culture a liking for that salty taste”, Kramer said. The plan faces opposition and a potential court challenge from restaurant groups and salt producers. Other critics have also weighed in against the salt warnings, noting that while the current requirement applies only to chain restaurants, it could ultimately apply to local business and have an adverse financial effect on small restaurants.
The rule is “the tipping point for the hardworking men and women that own and operate New York’s restaurants”, said the Washington-based association, which represents more than 500,000 restaurants nationwide.
“When calorie counts were mandated in NYC, we adjusted our menus to comply, creating a transparency of communication with our guests ensuring they had information necessary to make meal decisions”, Mr. Tankel said. His predecessor, Michael Bloomberg, was known for his attempts to limit unhealthy habits of New Yorkers.
DineEquity Inc. said 48 of its IHOP and Applebee’s restaurants were affected by the rules.