San Diego heat wave to send temperatures soaring
The waves are expected to lower as a heat wave hits this weekend and sends high temperatures up into potentially record-breaking territory. Temperatures are predicted to climb into the mid 90s by Monday, and the upper 90s later in the week, according to the National Weather Service.
A fire danger sign with the iconic Smokey Bear.
“Heat-related emergencies cause dozens of deaths in California each year and prompt thousands of people to seek treatment at local emergency rooms, ” Smith said Friday. Some heat-related illnesses have been fatal. “In 2006, almost 200 people died in California from extreme heat”. Others at risk include the elderly, those with chronic diseases, those who are overweight and those using certain medications or alcohol.
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the biggest concerns when the mercury soars above 110, but severe burns are very real dangers, as well.
Make sure you and the pets drink plenty of water.
With a serious hot spell bearing down on the region, health-services officials advised San Diego-area residents to take some simple precautions to keep themselves and their loved ones from suffering any ill effects from the sweltering weather. Residents are urged to turn thermostats to 78 degrees or higher. A NWS excessive heat warning for inland areas is set to run from 11 a.m. Sunday until 8 p.m. Wednesday.
When a heat warning is issued, the Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is prepared to extend evening hours and/or weekend hours at the Belmont Community Center, 1234 Judson, and the “F” Street Community Center, 1225 “F” St. Those without air conditioning also can cool off during regular hours at libraries, senior centers and other recreation centers as well as other public locations such as theaters and shopping malls. Taking a cool shower or bath, or moving to an air-conditioned place is a much better way to cool off.