Sanders supporters plan ‘fart-in’ for convention
Noticeably, though, Sanders failed to mention Hillary Clinton in any of his tweets although he did bring up the subject of his supporters and his beliefs on how they would react to Trump.
The chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party says Bernie Sanders has contacted her about campaigning in the state to help other candidates on the ballot. Trump was shockingly respectable regarding Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as he stood on and spoke from the Cleveland RNC stage, but Sanders was having none of it. In fact, Bernie Sanders was the top tweeter during Trump’s speech, a speech that Time reports raised some Sanders hackles. Clinton also mentioned Sanders repeatedly and addressed his supporters directly, at the Portsmouth high school’s gymnasium.
Wilder, who won’t attend the convention, said one concern of Sanders backers is Clinton’s vice presidential pick.
Political protests have taken on hundreds of forms over the years, but this might be the first planned “fart-in”.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re going to hold your nose and vote for Hillary”, said Taylor, who owns a Philadelphia landscape business. We are the center-left party.
He has been trying to convince Sanders delegates from Kentucky to back the party, posting the platform on Facebook on Friday. The hotel, like others in Philadelphia, requires a minimum four-night stay for the convention. He has called for a ban on all Muslims travelling to America and has argued that Hilary Clinton is playing the “woman card”, without which she wouldn’t get 2 percent of the vote.
According to Republican nominee Trump, he expects Bernie Sanders supporters within the Dems to flock to the Republican Party by the millions.
“The idea is to send the message to the Democratic Party establishment that the whole system smells, and it must be changed”, she said. I think Sanders and his campaign have done Clinton and the Democratic Party a favor by forcing them to recognize that millennials are more than their stereotype: whiny, do-nothing basement dwellers.
“There is disappointment among numerous Sanders supporters and there is concern that his vision and message are going forward”, said Eilerman, a Covington city commissioner.
Sanders said, ‘Looks like Ted Cruz was right about one thing. Part of what we have to do is prove that government can work and not just hope for it and talk about it, but actually get it to work.
How unified the convention will be is still unknown, however.