Sanders: Timing of debates structured to help Clinton
In the lead up to Saturday’s debate, the issues were not front and center. Men broke even between Sanders and Clinton while 55% of women supported Hillary.
In the latest Democratic presidential debate, oversimplification struck again.
Donald Trump, meanwhile, on Monday morning tweeted that Hillary Clinton should apologize for claiming that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is using footage of him and his remarks about Muslims to recruit terrorists. “She’s got nothing”, Trump told NBC News as he made rounds over the popular Sunday talk shows. “I have laid out a five-point plan about what we can do together”, Clinton said. “We have a strategy and a commitment to go after ISIS”, Clinton had said.
The pair were more polite when it came to the data breach, which occurred last week when Mr Sanders’s staffers took advantage of a glitch in the firewall for the Democratic National Committee’s database to access private voter data amassed by the Clinton campaign. This is not the type of campaign that we run.
Clinton quickly accepted his apology Saturday night, saying, “We should move on, because I don’t think the American people are all that interested in this”.
But it’s been a “hard sell” getting lawmakers to treat addiction to crack cocaine and other drugs associated with black Americans from a similar public health perspective, she says.
Clinton and Sanders were joined onstage by former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who has struggled to be a factor in the race.
The former president has also looked to cast himself as a minimal player in the campaign, telling multiple interviewers that he is a “bit player” in the whole operation. Mr O’Malley accused the GOP frontrunner of fascism.
That delay, the Globe reported, contributed to Clinton not making it back to the stage in time for the resumption of the broadcast. “But majority still want to fight from the air and not from the ground”, Paul said on CNN’s “State of the Union”. “If I fire somebody I’m certainly happy to let you know”, Weaver said, according to Bloomberg. “You think that’s a coincidence?”
While the presidential candidates were given only an allotted time of less than six minutes for breaks, the men had one advantage – a closer restroom.
“[Americans] need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears”, she said. Her above-the-fray posture in the debate signalled Clinton’s confidence, just weeks before the first votes in Iowa, that neither of her Democratic rivals would prove a significant obstacle on her march to the nomination.