Sanders urges support for Clinton at UNH event
Hillary Clinton has been exposed yet again as a liar and fraud in the latest leaked information coming down the pike – this time, in the form of hacked audio of what Clinton clearly thought was a secure conversation about the Bernie Sanders supporters.
“I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high”.
In one part of the audio, Clinton says of Bernie supporters: “Some are new to politics completely”.
The former secretary of state stressed that her plan would do a lot to help those in New Hampshire, which she said has been ranked among the top states for student debt.
“She accuses the entire country, including all of law enforcement, of ‘implicit bias, ‘ essentially suggesting that everyone, including our police, are basically racist and prejudiced”, Trump said. “I never thought that when I gave my acceptance speech at the Democratic National convention, that I would have to put in the following sentence: “I believe in science”.” she said.
“I don’t know, the people I’ve talked to – they’re starting to change their minds and are starting to support her because they know the alternative”, she said.
Donald Trump is not an ordinary Republican candidate.
“If you vote for a third-party candidate who’s got no chance to win, that’s a vote for Trump”, he added, referring to Libertarian contender Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. An event Wednesday in the Granite State was the first joint appearance for Sanders and Clinton since he endorsed her in July. One held up a sign opposing Citizens United, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and fracking — issues that were central to Sanders’ insurgent campaign.
When Sanders won the primary here back in February, he did so with huge margins among young voters. Many preferred Sanders, a Vermont senator who promised free tuition at public colleges and nationalized health care.
He called on young people in New Hampshire, a swing state in the presidential election, to get behind Mrs Clinton. “So who in this election is truly ready for that job?. there is only one person in this race who we can trust with those responsibilities, only one person with the qualifications and temperament for this job, and that person is our friend, Hillary Clinton”.
The younger voters, among an audience of more than 1,000, were placed on risers on either side of the stage, highly visible spots that could be captured by TV cameras. “And they are living in their parents’ basement” she said mocking the financial hardships faced by the younger generation as something that makes their opinion – which during the primary election was largely in opposition to Clinton – somehow less credible than the views of older voters.
Ms Clinton will need the support of young people in New Hampshire.
“Is everybody here ready to transform America?” asked Sanders at a University of New Hampshire rally amid heavy applause. Simply put, they don’t like her and aren’t excited to vote for her. The last two were victories by President Barack Obama.
“I am going to do everything that I can to see that that does not happen”, he said.
Hillary Clinton, who has described herself as a progressive in the 2016 campaign for the White House, has dubbed her views as moderate or “in the center” in the past.