Sanders Vows To Help Clinton Beat Trump, But Keeps Campaign Alive
In a rambling, 20-minute address to live-stream viewers that was basically a Bernie Bro Facebook rant come to life, Sanders insisted that his “political and social revolution” would continue and though he’d work to defeat Donald Trump, he declined the opportunity to endorse his opponent.
State party spokesman Marc Siegel said that the convention is a good opportunity for Democrats across the state “to gather, conduct party business and get ready for the campaigns ahead”.
Party rules require the DNC to remain neutral in presidential primaries so that all candidates are given a fair shot.
He accused Trump of insulting Hispanics, Muslims, women and African-Americans, and of calling global warming a hoax. I’m not even saying that we ought to believe that a president is being truthful all the time. “We can not have a president who, despite all of the scientific evidence, believes that climate change is a hoax”.
Former secretary of state Clinton has for all intents and purposes won their at-times bitter battle for the Democratic nomination. Her organization, a labor union that backed Sanders, organized the summit.
“There’s a tremendous amount of people who have been engaged through this campaign and I think people are going to continue to be involved”, Schlosberg said.
Bernie Sanders, right, speaks as Hillary Clinton listens during the CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York, April 14, 2016. More likely, he wishes to enter the Democratic National Convention next month with enough clout to force his views into the party platform.
Days after Clinton convincingly wrapped up her claim to the Democratic nomination with 2,800 pledged and superdelegates – 417 more than she will need at the national convention in Philadelphia next month – Sanders refuses to concede defeat or formally endorse Clinton in what is shaping up as one of the most consequential presidential contests in US history.
The clearest way Sanders demonstrated that this was – despite technicalities – a concession speech was the way he called for his movement to keep working, and get involved in local politics. He did not mention Israel at all, and had only one sentence on foreign policy: “We must make certain our fearless young men and women in the military are not thrown into perpetual warfare in the Middle East or other wars we should not be fighting”.
Pressure has been mounting on Sanders among other Democrats in Washington, where he was criticised on Thursday for not taking part in a Senate filibuster on gun control. “We must provide resources to those states which have so always been ignored”. She’s also expected to be elected chair of this convention – normally a job that defaults to the chair of the party. Yet Sanders is being as opaque and cagey as ever regarding his intended role in the general election campaign.
And Sanders on Tuesday used his news conference in Washington to spell out a list of his demands for the DNC platform and reforms.
The Vermont senator has called for the ousting of leadership from the convention committee level up to the top – publicly insisting that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz be replaced. He said that instead they should considering running for office.