During an event in Tel Aviv, Microsoft Technical Evangelist Bruce Harris said that any universal Windows 10 applications will run natively on HoloLens and that for the HoloLens to reach its full potential, developers will need to make 3D apps to draw people in. The VR glasses...
For example, SpaceX launched a commercial satellite last April for Turkmenistan that required the rocket to carry its cargo to 22,000 miles above the surface – 10 times higher than the ISS.
On Thursday, FWS announced that the West Indian manatee is proposed to be downlisted from endangered to threatened status under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Security forces are hunting for any possible surviving gunmen from an attack on a hotel in Burkina Faso that left at least 29 people dead and showed the expanding reach of regional jihadists in west Africa.
The handset will reportedly introduce Samsung’s version of the Live Photos feature, which basically captures 1.5 seconds of video before and after a photo is clicked by iPhone 6S users.
President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. But make no mistake, the breakup was already complete.
When Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz sneered at what he called Donald Trump’s “New York values” in their party’s latest debate, some New Yorkers took it personally.
A good handful of iOS users agree – following the ban, over 5,000 F.lux fans signed a petition asking Apple to reconsider its position. This will ensure that you do not lose any of your data on iOS 9.3 if something has to go wrong during the downgrade process and you have...
“I just want to be able to come from work and stop for a few minutes and then head home, but now it’s going to take me a little bit longer”, said shopper Elvis Holden. He said the company will also be more heavily focused on its e-commerce business, as online...
Great news for Sierra Nevada Corporation – their Dream Chaser (more about this space plane You can read here) space plane will be one from three resupply vehicles for Commercial Resupply Services 2 contract.
Mr Bowie, considered a pioneer of the glam rock era and one of the greatest influences in the history of music, died on January 10 after an 18-month battle with cancer.