According to United States military officials, the bright object seen streaking across the Las Vegas night sky was actually debris that came from a recently-launched Russian rocket.
The other cool thing about this full moon is that the moon will be far to the north. This is because the earth’s axis is tilted to its orbit around the sun.
The host, Steve Harvey, announced the wrong victor and started an all out war on the internet between the natives of the two countries, Columbia and Philippines.
The leader of a powerful Syrian rebel group that controls key suburbs of Damascus was killed in an airstrike on Friday, according to activists and local media. It was a blow to the forces fighting against the government of Bashar Assad.
“As a non-vegetarian can have a vegetarian meal but not the other way round, the decision was logical”, the report quoted an AI official said. “There will be no tea or coffee service in lunch/dinner flight”, the circular issued by Air India’s general...
While the state of the art technology on the space station should make it fairly straightforward to phone home, former army pilot Tim Peake hit a couple of snags with his “this is Major Tim to ground control” routine.
The space agency announced today that the launch of the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander mission scheduled for next March has been scrubbed due to a persistent vacuum leak in the lander’s primary science instrument.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command usually focuses on USA airspace threats, but switches gears each year to help children track Santa’s journey.
Sushma Swaraj, Indian foreign minister, went to Pakistan this month – the first such visit in three years – after Mr Modi and Mr Sharif’s meeting in Paris.