“You know”, she tells the puppies patrolling her lap, “President Obama ate one of your cousins”. What would her defense tell us about her readiness for national office?
The state’s Department of Motor Vehicles on Wednesday issued a draft of potential regulations for putting regular people behind the wheel of autonomous vehicles.
It is the merit of such leaders that we are filled with confidence that the escalating climate crisis can be tackled. Paris Agreement acknowledges the development imperatives of developing countries.
Man’s best friend came about after generations of wolves scavenged alongside humans more than 33,000 years ago in south east Asia, according to new research.
The government has increased restrictions since Xi took power three years ago, passing a security law establishing “cybersovereignty”, making the resending of rumours over the Internet a crime and advancing regulations that would let companies in key sectors only use...
Additionally, the company is making its Super Mario Maker Bookmark webportal live, which should make it a ton easier for players to share, find, and play certain types of levels.
The landmark approach by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in draft regulations means Californians could be behind the wheel of a self-driving auto by 2017. The regulations are now subject to a period of public commentary before being finalized.
The global effects could be even more serious, because higher lake temperatures could trigger the conversion of billions of tons of carbon stored in lake sediments to methane and carbon dioxide (CO2), in a feedback effect that could accelerate global warming.
In the four years that followed, League of Legends became the most popular online game in the world, with 27 million daily active players last year and 67 million active monthly players.
The approach California’s Department of Motor Vehicles offered Wednesday in precedent-setting draft regulations is cautious, though it does allow that Californians could be behind the wheel of a self-driving auto by 2017.