“I am anticipating a Democrat succeeding me”, Obama said at a press conference in Paris at the end of a conference on climate change. In Australia, just 16 percent of supporters of the ruling Liberal Party say global warming is a very serious problem, compared with 58...
The company initially planned to create an operating system for digital cameras but after careful consideration, it was determined that the market simply wasn’t large enough and instead made a decision to build a mobile OS. Considering Rubin’s history with Android,...
He also hinted that a “land landing” is part of his company’s plans, though SpaceX hasn’t confirmed anything yet. Though the barge landings proved unsuccessful, SpaceX always planned on using those as training for actual land-based attempts. (Cape...
The armed couple who were suspected of killing 14 people in a mass shooting in California and were later slain in a shootout with police were identified by authorities on Wednesday as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, described as a possibly married or engaged.
Microsoft issued reports of its annual revenue run rate – or sales at a particular point in time completed to a yearly rate – for its commercial cloud business and have stated that it is targeting to breach $20 billion mark on that basis by 2018.
At least 269 people had been killed in the state since heavy rains started in the beginning of November, said India’s Home Minister Rajnath Singh, although no deaths have been reported in the latest deluge.
This comes as a surprise, since back in November, Ben Carson had 23 percent and was very close to Trump’s 24 percent, according to a study made by the same source. Ted Cruz of Texas and 5 percent for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
McDonough’s letter says nothing about delaying or abandoning the president’s plan to to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States in fiscal 2016.
But the defence ministry accusations against Erdogan are the first implicating the Turkish leader directly, as the Kremlin refuses to let the pressure drop after slapping economic sanctions on Ankara.
This all comes back to an interesting paper by BP, in which it notes that OPEC’s ability to stabilize the oil market by reducing or raising production is diminishing as its share in total global output declines.
The launch of a prototype satellite to look for ripples in space and across time is back on track for Thursday following a day’s delay to review a potential technical concern with Europe’s Vega rocket, officials said on Wednesday.
After identifying the elements, her team started observing whether men tended to have the male elements and women the female elements. Although everything can be applied, debated, accepted or rejected in life, science has come to one clear distinction when it comes to men’s...