Despite the head start, the Apple smartphone duo appears to have outpaced their Galaxy rivals by clearing around 13 million of unit sales during the first week of availability. The initial reaction to its Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge handsets was positive among buyers who...
NASA’s ominous press conference next week is fuelling the fires of conspiracy theorists the world over as the space agency’s Mars announcement draws closer.
Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News Randy Davis, 29, from Bushwick, Brooklyn, holds his new 64GB iPhone 6s, which he bought to replace his broken iPhone 5s in front of the midtown Apple Store.
“After many conversations with people in Nickel Belt, I’m reminded that government investment in our creative industries is essential in allowing artists to share Canadian stories”.
The cosmic event will take place on September 27, when both a supermoon and a lunar eclipse will be happening at the same time. It hasn’t happened in 33 years, and it won’t occur again for another 18. Every color except red will be filtered out, resulting in the...
Early humans who lived around two million years ago had hearing abilities similar to chimpanzees but with some slight differences in the direction of modern humans, new research that looked into ancient human fossils has revealed. They plan to carry out additional studies to find...
Lara Horstmann-Dehn, a professor of marine biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, said it was possible that the animals died due to natural causes, such as a mass trampling event or even infections, as was suspected during a similar incident in August 2011.
A rare supermoon total lunar eclipse will grace the night sky, coinciding with harvest moon, in a spectacular celestial trifecta that will surely leave astronomers, professionals and amateurs in shared wonder.
Paris Saint-Germain were victorious on Tuesday night, beating EA Guingamp 3-0 at the Parc des Princes, but it was far from a convincing performance-and one we have seen a number of times over the last few years.
These remnants come from a star NASA says was 20 times that of our sun, and the light show is produced by the fast-moving gaseous remnants of the star’s explosion running into low-density gas that had been expelled by the star when it was dying before it went supernova.
In a move to educate young girls about menstruation, a company responsible for the Lammily Doll, which alleges to be the only “real” Barbie-type doll with average body proportions, is marketing what they call a “period party package”.