When the Arctic warms up, the mosquitoes begin to buzz over the land, according to nationalgeographic. They found that this probability will increase by more than 50 percent if Arctic temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius.
Faced with regulatory pressure, AT&T now says it won’t throttle subscribers with unlimited-data plans until they have consumed at least 22 GB of data in a month, up from the previous limit of 5 GB. The customers who are on the plans were allowed to keep their old plans...
The National Snow and Ice Data Center announced on Wednesday that the Arctic sea ice had reached its annual minimal extent, and it was the fourth worst in recorded history.
Since in the conventional systems presently employed electricity is used for splitting water and producing hydrogen, some quarters are questioning the true benefits that a hydrogen economy can bring to the environment. They were able to achieve this by simply combining sulfur and...
This tragic polar bear cuts a pitiful sight as she hunts desperately for food on the ice floes with an injured front leg. They need it to go in search of seals and other prey.
For instance, some 58 populations of 17 species belonging to the Scrombidae family – mackerels, tunas and sardines – have fallen by 74 per cent between 1970 and 2010, with no signs of recovery, the report says.
Otter said in an emailed statement that “Idaho does not believe that the greater sage grouse needs federal protections, and we’re hopeful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reaches that conclusion as well”.
The legs are articulated much like a dragonfly’s legs are, and they allow the drone chopper DARPA equipped with them to pull off some feats that – if even possible with a standard helicopter – are at least incredibly hard and highly risky.
The wild ordeal unfolded after Bryan Chan – a Stanford University alumnus – sent a weather balloon soaring 98,664 feet into space from Tuba City, Arizona, in 2013. They had attached a cell phone to the balloon in hopes of finding the camera when it landed.
The design of Samsung’s foldable Project V smartphone is still a mystry, but researchers believe it would be just like a flip phone with one continuous screen that covers the insides of both halves.
For years, Facebook users have been giving the thumbs up to a “dislike” button to accompany the “like” feature. He says it’s an opportunity for him to update Facebook users on how the company is working to make new services.