Despite the brief length of the clip, which comes in at a running time of a mere 23 seconds, the world of Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst really feels alive and breathing. It should also be noted that this trailer “features pre-alpha footage from a cut-down version of a full...
According to Live Science, the venomous frogs discovered in Brazil were observed using their poison offensively, rather than strictly as a defense mechanism, as a poisonous frog would.
Battery Status API pulls you phone’s battery information like its level, charging and discharging time, which when combined is unique to nearly every phone, allows hackers to create a digital fingerprint of your phone and track your movements online.
Astronomers hunting for another Earth have found what may be the closest match yet, a potentially rocky planet circling its star at the same distance as the Earth orbits the Sun, NASA has said.
Businesses using the site now have more ways to send private messages, through Messenger, to Facebook users who interact with businesses’ pages or ads.
Un-carrier customers stream more than 131 million songs each day in the U.S. T-Mobile highlighted that if AT&T customers played the same number of songs then they will end up paying over $2.3 billion a year.
Discovery of a new planetary system has helped astronomers know about a super-earth that transits in front of a star and has a density similar to earth’s.