With nine percent of Americans already afflicted with type 2 diabetes and 37 percent of adults classified under a high risk for developing the disease, emphasizing on an organized diet and exercise program is crucial. The studies included in the review were conducted between 1991...
“It’s wonderful that the pope really knows us”, said Raquel Amarilla, 39, who cried throughout the Mass and was accompanied by her 13-year-old daughter.
After playing almost 40 minutes per game over the course of an 82-game season, plus the playoffs, one would think LeBron James has slept like a baby since the end of the National Basteball Association Finals.
At 9 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, the spacecraft sent messages back to mission operations at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland, confirming it had completed its mission, ending nerve-wracking hours for the craft’s operators on Earth. “While...
When it comes to landmark achievements in space exploration, today will be a date for the history books as the day humanity reached Pluto for the first time.
Microsoft announced that it has delayed the September 1 shipping date of the Surface Hub. As the blogger said in his earlier posts, Microsoft is not saying anything about the tablet, which he added is unusual if indeed the product is programmed to come out in the coming months.
His work involved thousands of hours spent pouring over millions of images of stars, according to the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, which is managing the New Horizons mission for NASA.
The New Horizons probe of NASA also settled one of the most basic questions about Pluto – its size. As NASA awaits more results, they’ve already released a sneak-peak shot of Pluto taken by New Horizons on Instagram. “You can use a “live” mode to see...