Senate Judiciary Committee Looking Into Additional Kavanaugh Allegation
One of Judge Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, is due to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.
In another declaration, Rebecca White, a neighbor and friend of more than six years, said Ford revealed the alleged assault against her in 2017.
“She wanted to make sure that her recollection of what happened and what information that she was going to put forth in the New Yorker was accurate”, Clune said in an effort to explain to delay.
Hill took great pains not to speculate on Kavanaugh specifically, but she did acknowledge that “someone who comes into the court should not have a cloud over himself and over the court”.
He made the comments at a news conference in NY a day before Judge Brett Kavanaugh was set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee amid multiple accusations of sexual misconduct.
Support for Kavanaugh among Republican women has dropped 18 points after the second of three sexual misconduct allegations were made against the judge.
Avenatti previously represented adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen paid her hush money ahead of the election and thus violated election rules.
His attorney, Beth Wilkinson, in televised interviews on Wednesday, said Ford’s declarations cited recent interactions, not discussions at the time of the alleged incident, and that it was hard to corroborate an accusation 36 years later.
On Wednesday President Trump said he could withdraw Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination if he “thought he was guilty of something like this”.
“It’s a big, fat con job”, he said. “It’s a con game that they’re playing”.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) suggested in an interview published Tuesday that she could break with her party over Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual abuse allegations – a move that could sink the Supreme Court nominee.
“Christine did not mention the assault to me again until June 29, 2018, two days after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation from the Supreme Court of the United States”, he said.
Julie Swetnick said she saw Mr Kavanaugh engage in sexually abusive behavior as a teenager and claimed she had been gang-raped at a party he attended in the early 1980s.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is set to testify at 10 a.m. about allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.
“This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone”, he said in a statement. “But the details about that night that bring me here today are ones I will never forget. To the extent that she was looking for additional information, that was just smart investigation that she remembers things accurately to the time”, said Clune.
“I also witnessed Brett Kavanaugh behave as a “mean drunk” on many occasions at these parties”, Swetnick said. “These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”, the affidavit reads.
Kavanaugh denies the allegations.
► September 26: Kavanaugh hearing: Who is Rachel Mitchell?
Koegler said that he and Ford had discussed the incident in 2016, but Kavanaugh was not mentioned by name until June of this year.
Ms Ford has claimed that Mr Kavanaugh tried to remove her clothes and clamped a hand over her mouth at a party when both were in high school.