Sixth Democratic Debate: Bernie Sanders Attacks Hillary Clinton’s Relationship With Henry Kissinger
As a Wellesley College student in the late 1960s, Hillary Rodham exemplified a brash new model of the young woman activist.
The former diplomat is now moderating her tone.
Mrs Clinton criticised what she called “systemic racism” in education, housing and employment.
Thompson said Clinton is “standing with the president to get stronger gun laws so no family ever has to go through anything like this again” as the ad touts Clinton’s gun control plan which includes expanding background checks.
THE FACTS: Sanders exaggerated the rate of incarceration for black males, as Clinton did in an earlier debate.
So when Bernie Sanders properly chided her for having as an advisor, Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, she bridled and tried to escape by asking Sanders to name his foreign policy advisors. But now the race moves on, and the question is whether Clinton’s polling strengths among minority voters will change the race. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, talk to supporters after a Democratic presidential primary debate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, in Milwaukee.
She is also on the losing slope of a 35-point gender gap with men and a 10 percent gap with women in Tuesday’s returns. Clinton criticized Sanders for voting against a reform measure in 2007, which Sanders defended because of a provision in the bill for guest workers.
Mrs Clinton, who has eagerly embracedMr Obama’s legacy, said Mr Sanders had called Mr Obama weak and a disappointment, and “that goes further than saying we have our disagreements”.
“It will be over our dead bodies if you cut Social Security”, Sanders says on-camera to a town-hall meeting of supporters.
Clinton only stopped at RiverCentre, where the pair delivered their speeches.
So, why the groan?
“Judgment matters as well”, he said pointedly.
American Bridge did not respond to a request for comment on Le’s tweets. “That’s why feminist messages just don’t resonate with younger voters”. Still. If you’re the practical and realistic candidate, and the practical and realistic truth is that universal health coverage will not be achieved in the next four years, how is it any less of a fantasy to say, in vague terms, that you will make progress toward it incrementally?
A similar assumption that doesn’t pass generational muster is that Americans couldn’t possibly vote for a socialist.
Clinton is looking to get back on track in the next contests in Nevada on February 20 and SC a week later – two states where Hispanics and African Americans play key roles in the presidential nomination battle.
The Democratic race made a dramatic turn in Debate VI Thursday night. I am also part of the feminist community wanting to see more female representation in every branch of government. “Those are things I think voters want to hear”.
Throwing shade at Ms. Clinton’s super political action committee, Sanders also mentioned the “corrupt campaign finance system” funded by “extraordinarily wealthy people who make very large contributions to super PACs”, to which Clinton replied, “We are mixing apples and oranges”.
The mounting negativity is driven in part by the anxieties of the Clinton campaign.
“She’s been secretary of State”. As president, Hillary Clinton would mean more wars, more raids, more blowbacks, more military spending and more profits for the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower so prophetically warned about in his farewell address.
Her most stinging moment came when she said, “Today, Sen”. The support of a governor and U.S. senator did little to avert a Clinton defeat in New Hampshire, but it is firing up controversy in the wake of that vote. Then she challenged Sanders to defend his single payer dream.
Clinton’s comment about 9/11, in which she explained that “we were attacked in downtown Manhattan where Wall Street is”, was widely regarded as one of the low points of her campaign.