Snowden says will vote in USA presidential election
There have been laws changed in the U.S. with the introduction of the Freedom Act previous year, and we’ve also seen those laws introduced in the UK. There actually is a specific process that is well-established and well-protected that allows whistleblowers to raise concerns that they have, particularly when it relates to confidential or classified information, to do so in a way that protects the national security secrets of the United States. Governments have brought in more controls and safeguards to make sure liberty isn’t easily swept aside in the quest for greater security.
Edward Snowden in Russian Federation in 2013. The other three, The Guardian, The New York Times and The Intercept, are all calling for Snowden to be pardoned.
“Mr. Snowden accepts a measure of criminal responsibility for his excesses and the USA government offers a measure of leniency in recognition of his contributions”, the paper wrote. At the moment that wouldn’t be possible.
The Intercept, the New York Times and the Guardian, who also published the NSA leaks, in contrast to the Post’s editorial, have called on the U.S. government to allow Snowden to return to the U.S. and not face any charges.
In 2013, after the Guardian newspaper in Britain and the Washington Post published articles about widespread, secret National Security Agency surveillance and data collection programs, Snowden identified himself as the source of the information.
The public was outraged by the revelations.
Snowden then becomes conflicted when he must decide whether to keep his successful job and relationship, or to let the world know how the NSA compiles data on the entire US population via technology such as cell phones and laptops.
“He says this is unacceptable because US secrecy-protection statutes specifically prohibit him from claiming his higher goal and positive impact as a defense which is true, though its not clear how the law could allow that without creating a huge loophole for leakers”. Big technology companies like Apple and Google pushed back against the NSA’s efforts to enlist them in its operations.
Some U.S. officials have at least acknowledged the part Snowden played in all this. Most people have heard of Edward Snowden, but few understand how Snowden’s disclosures sparked a critical global debate about freedom of expression, privacy, secrecy and the proper limits of government surveillance.
Snowden denied engaging in self-censorship concerning Russia, adding he did not think his opinions would have much influence in the country because he does not speak Russian very well.
The film tells the story of Snowden’s discharge from the military, leading to his time working with the Central Intelligence Agency and the NSA, while also exploring the nature of his relationship with his girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, who’s played by Shailene Woodley. But keeping him in exile with the threat of a brutally long prison sentence is unnecessarily punitive and fails to recognize the good that came of his actions. How do we empower ourselves to hold our government accountable?
The Post has called on Snowden to return to the USA from Russian Federation, where he has been granted asylum, adding that this would “be in the best tradition of civil disobedience, whose practitioners have always been willing to go to jail for their beliefs.” . It may not be politically palatable, but it would serve the cause of justice.