Sorry Marco Rubio, philosophers make more than welders
It’s been proven that Marco Rubio is not so good with the numbers, so you’d think he’d have an aide at least research one of his applause lines at the debate before he actually used it.
Senator Marco Rubio stood out during Tuesday’s Republican debate as the only candidate to raise higher education as an issue.
RUBIO: Well, what we have to remember is we’re talking about people and so there’s a human aspect of this that can be heart-wrenching in many cases ’cause someone’s in this country illegally but they came because they’re fleeing instability in El Salvador.
Knocking the concept that trade school as simply being an alternative for students who might not have the grades to attend a traditional four year college, Rubio called trade school the right choice for the “kids that want a job that pays 50 thousand dollars at 19 years of age”.
“I learned a very powerful lesson in 2013: the American people do not trust the federal government to enforce our immigration laws”, Mr. Rubio said Thursday, speaking at an event hosted by the SC Chamber of Commerce. In the 20th century it is disaster. Marco Rubio (R-FL) repeat his inaccurate claim that welders make a lot more money than philosophers – and jokes that Plato would have been better off learning a trade than “yapping about his philosophy”.
Fact-checkers went into overdrive, quickly asserting on social media that people with philosophy degrees tend to earn more than the average welder. Repeal and replace Obamacare and make higher education faster and easier to access-especially vocational training.
“For the life of me, I don’t know why we stigmatize vocational education”, he said.
Gawker pointed out after the debate that Rubio was incorrect in stating that welders earn more than philosophers. Or is he so politically pliable and ideologically biddable that he will say anything, and take any stance, to shield himself from the ugly nativism Donald Trump has tapped among Republican primary voters? Overall, though, welders make less than philosophy majors because wages for even highly skilled blue-collar workers remain stagnant. So I think we have to pursue a three-step process. People who haven’t been here very long are going to be deported. The other two attack ads on the main page describe how several of the Republican candidates including Rubio, Bush and Carson are wrong for senior citizens and for ending gun violence.
“As far as the minimum wage is concerned, people need to be educated on the minimum wage”. Only 19.8 percent of black teenagers have a job, who are looking for one. But if you spend too freely, you can easily end up with a pile of high-interest consumer debt you can barely afford. If you lower those wages, that comes down.
“You know, I can remember, as a youngster – you know, my first job working in a laboratory as a lab assistant, and multiple other jobs”.
I smile to myself, knowing that I’ll have the opportunity to brainwash their precious engineers in my professional ethics class, crushing any dreams of financial success.
True, you don’t see many listings for toga-wearing, beard-stroking thinkers on