Sparta NJ News: The Iranian Youth Want Change
“Mark my words; you can’t change horses in the middle of a stream”.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have been meeting daily for two weeks to overcome the last remaining obstacles to a deal.
“Compromise should be found”, Putin told reporters in the Urals city of Ufa.
“He took us back to what the framework was when the initial agreement was announced in Lausanne”, Sen.
As negotiators have gotten closer to a nuclear deal with Iran, the criticism – like the shouting matches among the diplomats in Vienna this week – has grown more strident. Rouhani’s yet unconfirmed participation at the EAEU summit, whose member states now include Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Armenia, also affirms Tehran’s interest in expanding its political and economic ties with Central Asia. “The other side should show courage”, the source said.
That’s bogus. It’s easy to forget that President Rouhani formerly led nuclear negotiations with Europe from 2003 to 2005. Iran is a deeply destabilizing power in its neighborhood, and the current Iranian regime is unlikely to curtail longstanding support for Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah, or stop its intervention in Yemen. It didn’t make sense – as this was a scientific/technical dossier.
For the Iranian negotiators, UN Security Council (UNSC) sanctions are the key; they must be abolished first and foremost because they legitimize all other Western sanctions. They, in turn, are doing nearly everything to avoid the risk of violating US sanctions and incurring the at times draconian consequences that come with it.
Russia, a potential arms supplier, is backing Iran’s demand for the United Nations embargo to be lifted.
Conventional weapons have become an issue too.
From the standpoint of Washington’s doctrine of U.S. world hegemony, the problem with Iran is its independence.
Third, any agreement must provide sanctions relief over time and only after full, sustained compliance by Iran. Whatever happens in Vienna, Iran will inevitably expand its role as a vital hub/node of Eurasia integration – from the New Silk Road(s) to the SCO. What really matters are the economic and financial sanctions. Furthermore, Iran is unlikely to cease its human rights abuses perpetrated against its own citizens. Surely he does not want to be known as the first president to capitulate to Iran, give it permission to pursue an industrial-sized nuclear weapons program, betray our allies and encourage Iran’s regional aggression. USA opposition has everything to do with the influence of Israel and the House of Saud in the Beltway. With sanctions lifted Iran’s economy will begin to rapidly grow again. He said, “injecting new oil to the world markets could impact prices”.
But now U.S. lawmakers will have 60 days to examine any document, which will delay the lifting of U.S. sanctions.
The second hurdle is primarily psychological and refers to the difficulty of ensuring that the Iranian economy actually benefits from sanction relief.
This is what is called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA).
United Against Nuclear Iran: Founded in 2008, UANI boasts a bipartisan powerhouse advisory board of ex- politicians, intelligence officials and policy experts. Under the best-case scenarios, an initial nuclear agreement could open the way to a broader détente between Iran and the West after decades of mistrust.
Jafarzadeh warned that Iran continues to ban global inspectors from visiting nuclear sites. And that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly emphasized a nuclear bomb is anti-Islamic. And the whole world can see why. It has lost 1.3 billion Chinese with the pathetic “pivot to Asia” and the non-stop South China Sea saber rattling.
Certainly this is not the Divide and Rule technique inherited from the faded British empire, that the Brits themselves learned from Rome in their Latin classes.