Spicer Says Obama Influenced Which Nations Made It to Refugee Ban
The same State Department official told CNN that the executive order “should not affect dual-national Americans at all”, meaning a U.S. citizen who also holds citizenship from one of Trump’s seven banned countries would be allowed in.
Yousafzai noted the plight of ‘Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, ‘ and said they were being ‘singled-out for discrimination’. In Egypt, security officials stopped five Iraqi citizens and a Yemeni national from boarding a flight from Cairo to the United States, because their visas “had a problem, ” an Egyptian security official said.
A Google spokesperson has told ITV News they are “concerned about the impact of this order” and any proposals that could impose restrictions on their employees and their families.
The executive order signed by Mr Trump barred newcomers from the seven “terror-prone” nations including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – but could affect hundreds of thousands of people from these countries who already live in the USA under green cards or temporary student or employment visas.
“Although you would say the U.S. generally gives two years to Nigerians, there are instances that they issue only for two weeks”.
But rights groups say there is no link between Syrian refugees in the U.S. and terrorism.
There are fears workers, who may have been born in the affected countries but live in the U.S., may be prevented on getting on flights to the US. I encourage the president’s staff to evaluate American policy with an eye on both security and compassion for the refugees fleeing the terrors of war and persecution.
Many Nigerians, including government officials, hold dual nationality with either the U.S. or Europe.
More than a million people have also signed a petition on the British parliament’s website calling for the cancellation of an invitation to Trump to make an official state visit to the United Kingdom.
The government also revealed that it is working closely with its various airline partners to provide assistance to all passengers who would be denied entry under the new ruling.
The National Council for Iranian Americans have called for a “grace period” on the “inhumane Trump ban”.
As Trump signed the order, he read along: “This is “the protection of the nation from foreign terrorists” entry into the United States”‘.
Silicon Valley, where many employed in the technology industry are of non-US origin, is also anxious.
Keshavarz-Zadeh told the Swiss envoy that the executive order by the new US president was issued under “fictitious, discriminatory and unacceptable” pretexts and runs counter to human rights conventions and a legal and consular treaty signed between Tehran and Washington on August 15, 1955.
Another section of Trump’s executive order could also make travel to America more hard for Africans.
Here’s the text of the order.
Where do green card holders from Trump’s seven banned countries stand? The U.S. refugee program is suspended for 120 days.
“The horrific nature of Trump’s Muslim ban is fully apparent for the entire world to see”, it said.
The executive order on immigration is catastrophic.
Democratic Senator Kamala Harris noted that the order had been signed on Holocaust Memorial Day.
Refugees and immigrants, she says, have “helped build your country”.
Pakistani activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai addresses delegates during the fourth “Thermatic Pledging Session”, in London, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, during the donor conference “Supporting Syria & The Region”.
The American Civil Liberties Union and other challengers have already filed suit over the executive order. “We’re supporting diversity, we’re supporting acceptance of people of all religions, and making a stance and telling Trump that this is not just, it’s not fair, it’s not constitutional, and it’s definitely not the foundation of this country, and we will not stand for it”.
“Mr. Trump, the new president, killed our dreams”, said one Baghdad man whose wife worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as a bookkeeper.