Stacy London’s Surprising Remarks – Claimed She Would Not Be Hired By Vogue If She Weighed 180 Pounds
What do you think- would Vogue hire Stacy London if she weighed 180 pounds? Well, this question is popping up through the surprising remarks made by this celebrity stylist- Stacy London.
Stacy has made it enough to stay at headlines through her remarks, rather critical remarks, on festival style. This time now she again returns to news headlines for her controversial remarks on fashion world. This popular celebrity stylist as well as the stunning host of Love, Lust or Run of TLC discussed about her days in Vogue while participating in a Q&A discussion of Facebook Amy Odell, the editor of on March 31. She stated about those early career days when she worked as an employee of Vogue.
The stylish TV host stated, “Vogue was my first job out of college.” She also said, “I had been very thin [when] I interviewed for the job, then got double pneumonia before I started and within a year, I was up to 180 pounds.”
London, the fashion guru, made a fast move in her style in order to fit in with Anna Wintour’s team. She switched up her style statement so that she could draw lesser attention of other employees to her body type. Stacy said, “Talk about feeling like and outsider… Lucky for me, that was the year grunge came in, so I could wear flannel shirts and big peasant skirts!”
While looking back, Stacy contemplated and remarked, “I don’t know whether I would have been hired at 180 pounds.” The alum of What Not to Wear stated, “Not looking the part in that environment was hard, but I overcompensated, did the work of three assistants, and tried to be the class clown.” She also added, “Honestly, it’s less about whether Vogue would have hired me and much more about my own self-esteem issues. I worked super hard to compensate for not being a size 0.