Star Wars: Battlefront Fighter Squadron is a 20-player aerial mode
A new feature, called the Fighting Squadron mode, will be showcased. Perhaps we might see a tease for Visceral’s Star Wars game or more information on Mass Effect: Andromeda. Most of the footage shows spacecrafts battling it out in what appears to be the lower atmosphere of planets like Hoth, Tatooine and Endor.
“We want to give fans the thrill of living out their Star Wars battle fantasies”. This new mode on the other hand, will strictly be about air battles, meaning that soldiers won’t get to face each other in the battlefield. It is possible that the information will come during EA’s Gamescom conference on that day.
Den of Geek reportedly claimed that Blast Mode is essentially a 10 vs 10 death match as the objective is to have 100 kills for your team when the 10 minute round is over. These rounds will feature small, close-quarters maps “specifically designed” with this mode in mind.
“Star Wars: Battlefront” will be launched on November. 17 for the PC, as well as current-gen consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
It is expected that the title will have major exposure at the upcoming Gamescom.