Star Wars Battlefront Includes Han Solo, Leia, Emperor Palpatine
A full breakdown of the Heroes vs. Villains mode is available on the EA Star Wars website. Her Enhanced Squad Shield can stop Force abilities and be used with Trooper Bane.
Leia’s abilities are all about buffering teammates, and anyone that spawns near her will turn into an Alderaan Honor Guard while she’s active on the battlefield. DICE has already announced that they’ve got a Season Pass’ worth of DLC on the way so maybe we’ll see more heroes and villains introduced to the game in time. Offensively Solo is all about dealing damage and not being caught by the enemy. Indeed, Han is all about shooting first and asking questions later, with his abilities focusing on getting in and doing a lot of damage, and still having a lucky escape up his sleeve.
Princess Leia will be a support characters as she will provide buffs for team members and holding positions in the game. The Sith Lord will have use of his iconic Force Lightning, which is limited in range, but does have a Chain Lightning to extend the range a bit by sending it through multiple nearby targets.
It’s a shot of Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher, in the embrace of Harrison Ford’s Han Solo. Just look at the original Star Wars trilogy: you’ll notice that when Leia shoots at stormtroopers, she kills them quickly. If you’re playing against another player, it can be one on one or against one player and a team of computer-controlled characters.
The announcement described Han Solo as a “gunslinger mainly designed for lone wolves”. His Rapid Fire skill lets him fire as fast as you can pull the trigger without worrying about overheating, making it ideal if you stare down a bad guy like Vader or Palpatine.
Finally, Emperor Palpatine attacks with Force Lightning, wherein he emits lightning from his fingertips as he did in Return of the Jedi.
The final Training sequence is called The Dark Side and allows newcomers to take on the role of Darth Vader as he launches his assault on Hoth alongside Emperor Palpatine.
Star Wars: Battlefront is out on November 17th in North America and November 20th in Europe for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Han is the tank; he’s got rapid-fire abilities, he can shoot vehicles out of the air and charge into, or away from, battle.