Stargazers witness rare event in supermoon eclipse
This time, it coincided with a lunar eclipse as the Earth’s shadow blocked out most of the light that would normally bathe the moon. The last one was in 1982, and the next one won’t take place until 2033.
Those in the United States, Europe, Africa and western Asia can view the coupling, weather permitting, Sunday night or early Monday.
A supermoon occurs when the Moon is in the closest part of its orbit to Earth, meaning it appears larger in the sky.
It also tweeted an explanatory graphic of the event.
Blood moons are full lunar eclipses in which the sun’s rays entering through the earth’s atmosphere make for a red, or blood-like, appearance.
Astronomer Dr. Sharaf Bin Rafood Al-Safiani, who is the member of Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Scienc (AUASS), said the lunar eclipse will be the last this year.
It may have been the small hours of the morning, but that did not stop skywatchers across eastern England observing the Super Blood Moon.
Over a 24-day cycle, the temperature on the surface of our satellite normally varies between highs of about 121 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Fahrenheit) in direct sunlight, and lows around minus 115 C in the dark.