Start acting like president to be one: Obama to Trump, Clinton
Mike Coffman: “So if Donald Trump is president, I’ll stand up to him”.
Ryan was asked by host Charlie Sykes on WTMJ whether there’s anything that would lead to Ryan “cancelling” that check.
Trump, meanwhile, refused for another day to endorse Ryan, his party’s top elected official.
Here’s the actual Coffman quote: “It’s hard for me to see at this point in time that Trump could change to the extent that I would lend my name to his campaign”.
Mike Pence offered his support Thursday to Republican Sens. He says he is still “watching and waiting and evaluating”.
The results mark the latest in a string of national and battleground state polls showing Clinton with a growing base of support and, on Thursday, hints that she could be making inroads with male voters.
Several Republicans were among a group of former cabinet officers, senior officials and career military officers who denounced Trump on Thursday, calling his recent remarks on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Russian Federation “disgraceful”.
When asked about the prior commitments, Johnson said he’ll be spending part of the day appearing at rallies in Kenosha with House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan: “The only endorsements I want are those of my own employers here in the first congressional district”. Hours later, the words popped up twice in Ryan’s fundraising appeal that was sent to email addresses collected during Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s failed presidential campaign.
Kellyanne Conway, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, reportedly said: “I would push back on any formal report that the candidate is going to leave the race”.
The Indiana governor told WTKR: ‘Of course I support John McCain and Kelly Ayotte and all of our Republican incumbents’.
“He said, ‘But, I like him, he’s a friend of mine”.
Since then he has twice insisted he saw film of $400million sent to Iran by the Obama administration being taken off a plane, despite his own campaign admitting the footage actually shows four USA prisoners getting off an aircraft in Geneva. Trump tweeted Friday morning.
“I look forward to supporting Republican candidates in the days and weeks ahead all over the country, and so does Donald Trump”, Pence said. He calls Trump out for saying “stupid things” and for praising House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary opponent. Gingrich also said, referring to Trump’s surprising lack of knowledge, that “he can’t learn what he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know he doesn’t know it”.
At least one former Sanders supporter did attend Trump’s event, Molly Ramirez.
Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine will stop in the state Friday, while Trump and Pence also hit the campaign trail in Wisconsin. He also mocked another Democratic convention speaker, who happens to be a retired four-star general, as a failure. In fact, Trump has given Pence wide latitude to speak his mind and has personally encouraged him to stay true to his own ideas, believing Pence is loyal to the campaign. It said he will focus on “empowering Americans by freeing up the necessary tools for everyone to gain economically”.
Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has tried to focus on winning over conservatives who are skeptical of the NY billionaire, but his new boss keeps getting in the way.
During his first public comments since Trump refused to endorse his re-election bid, Ryan, who only reluctantly took the helm of the House of Representatives less than one year ago after his predecessor John Boehner was forced to resign following intraparty rebellion, downplayed the significance of Trump’s non-endorsement. “Trump can spin out of that, but he’s not”, said Republican pollster Greg Strimple, who added that there were a lot of issues to attack Clinton on, “but he’s not doing it”.
Pence told NBC’s “Today Show” that he is seeing “tremendous enthusiasm” for the Republican ticket.
Several senior USA officials involved in the Iran negotiations said they weren’t aware of any such video.
“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life”.
The New York billionaire has cited a $400 million payment the USA made to Iran this year, delivered on the same day that Iran released four American hostages. Trump and some other Republicans have described the money as ransom payment for four Americans detained in Iran days before the money was delivered. “That doesn’t seem to be the case at the moment”, Obama said.