Student diversity officer ‘posted racist comment on Twitter’ saying ‘kill all
Bahar Mustafa – a student diversity officer at Goldsmiths, University of London – initially caused anger for asking white men not to attend a students’ union meeting intended for ethnic minority and “non-binary” women.
Scotland Yard confirmed today that Mustafa has been summoned to appear at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on two charges, relating to messages sent between 10 November 2014 and 31 May 2015.
Media reported on September 6 that Mustafa – who once wrote a tweet with the hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen – had received a court summons for malicious communications.
She said: “There have been charges laid against me that I am racist and sexist towards white men”.
The message was alleged to have been posted between 10 November a year ago and 31 May.
She must also answer a charge of communicating obscene or menacing messages at the court on November 5. She couldn’t be fired or punished by the school, because she actually is neither a student nor a school employee. “She shouldn’t be in a publicly-funded position with a hateful attitude like that”, he said. “No. She’s not a unsafe criminal, just a useful idiot whose head has been filled with progressive claptrap and who doesn’t realize how out of date her cultish ideology is”, he added.
She defended herself in an online video, describing the criticism she faced as an “outrageous distortion of fact“.
She responded to critics calling her racist, reports the Independent, saying: ‘Because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of colour and minority genders can not be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system’.