Suspect in killing of UK lawmaker to face trial in autumn
Cox was stabbed and shot to death before a meeting with constituents last week.
Irish rockers U2, who worked with Cox on the Make Poverty History campaign, recorded a special tribute from Los Angeles. This is such an extreme contrast to the normal perception of politicians as venal and self-serving that the shock of her death may even have the capacity to alter the culture within which politics is conducted.
Around 150 people were present including MPs Chi Onwurah (below, top), Catherine McKinnell and Sharon Hodgson, who knew Jo Cox. On Thursday she died for them.
“Jo’s killing was political”.
She said: “I’m here today as living proof that they can not win with bullets”.
A giant screen showed excerpts from her speeches in parliament and clips of her building a snowman with her children.
A small memorial for Cox was held Wednesday morning at Unicef headquarters in NY, while lawmakers in Paris also paid tribute by wearing white roses – a symbol of hope and of her native Yorkshire.
The fundraiser was set up by a group of Cox’s friends in collaboration with her husband Brendan.
Mair has been charged with murder, grievous bodily harm and possession of a gun and a knife.
It was Jo and her family that were foremost in the thoughts of the near 100 people, young and old, who assembled near the park’s popular play area to pay their respects with flowers, candles cards, and strong renditions of Jerusalem and The Red Flag.
“It was very genuine”. Their daughter and son, aged three and five, stood quietly by their father during the ceremony. Her death caused many politicians to warn that the political climate had become too divisive.