“And his gains could have a significant ripple effect on the Republican primary in this state and beyond, because he is appealing to numerous same voters that former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey are targeting”.
The Iowa State Fair remains a center of attention today as presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle line up to speak at the traditional presidential forum in this critical early primary state. But perhaps you didn’t know that in 1952, the fair also featured...
Ms Kelly has come out well in the stoush, saying that she can handle it and indicating that she won’t be intimidated by Mr Trump. But I think I was, you know, mistreated a little bit, but that’s OK.
According to the Associated Press, the intelligence community inspector general reported to Congress Monday that Hillary’s emails contained at least two messages with information considered Top Secret. Those two emails were drawn out of a batch of 40 emails randomly...
Vice President Joe Biden is spending part of his South Carolina vacation calling close friends to discuss a potential 2016 run, a longtime Democratic operative and a source close to Biden who had an extensive phone call with him this week confirmed to NBC News. Though most...
“If we turn around and nix the deal and then tell them, ‘You’re going to have to obey our rules and sanctions anyway, ‘ that is a recipe, very quickly … for the American dollar to cease to be the reserve currency of the world“, Kerry said at a...
CHQ endorsed Congressman and candidate for Florida’s Republican Senate nomination to succeed Marco Rubio joined with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton (also endorsed by CHQ) to write a powerful indictment of Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran that we covered recently:...
Earlier this week, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unveiled an initiative that aims to combat the rising costs of college tuition and that would also give billions of dollars in funding to HBCUs.