They want the government to work for them, for the wealthy, and to continue with tax breaks, military interventions and for immigration policy that doesn’t necessarily guarantee an easy path way to citizenship but an easy way for workers from developing countries to work...
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, also speaking on the Michael Medved Show Wednesday, said, “Just because someone was born here doesn’t – even under the 14th amendment doesn’t necessarily mean that they have rights to citizenship”.
“When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best”, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said during his campaign kick-off speech in June. He’s a villain spewing threats and insults that have filtered down into many a Latino family, to...
According to the Times, Koi has demanded that the filmmaker Chase Whiteside take the video off YouTube, claiming its title – “Meet Ricardo, an undocumented immigrant who works in a Trump Hotel”- is misleading.
Trump recently unveiled an immigration plan that calls for the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, forcing Mexico to pay for the construction of a border wall and ending birthright citizenship.
Walker repeated his call for a border fence between the U.S. and Mexico on Monday similar to the one separating Israel from Palestinian territories in the West Bank.
During one such trip, a boy holding a Go Pro camera interrogated Trump as to his true identity, asking the question professional journalists on the campaign trail have been only too afraid to ask. The businessman claims, if elected, he will keep illegal immigrants out, be tough...
On Tuesday, Florida Sen. “I’m open to doing things that prevent people from coming to the take advantage of 14th Amendment, but I’m not in favor of repealing it”, he said at the Iowa State Fair.
But after days of controversial statements in the wake of the debate, including a series of comments and tweets seen by many as sexist and offensive, Trump returned to the idea of running for president outside the Republican Party.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stepped off the campaign trail Monday morning to report to jury duty in New York City, attracting a few fist-pumping fans on the courthouse stairs. This past weekend, he campaigned in Iowa, offering children gathered near the state...
Trump sent her one of her columns, in which she called him a “financially embattled thousandaire”, with her picture circled and a note saying, “The Face of a Dog”.