Under the worldwide agreement reached last month, Russia, China and European Union countries will lift their sanctions on Iran as Iran accepts curbs and inspections on its nuclear program.
CHQ endorsed Congressman and candidate for Florida’s Republican Senate nomination to succeed Marco Rubio joined with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton (also endorsed by CHQ) to write a powerful indictment of Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran that we covered recently:...
– Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem flew Thursday to Oman after a two-day visit to Tehran, amid unconfirmed reports in pro-Assad media outlets that the Omani government was trying to broker a meeting of the foreign ministers of Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The Gaza Strip, with which Israel fought a devastating 50-day war last summer, and the West Bank are only 60 kilometres (40 miles) apart but separated by politics and Israeli territory. It remains unclear why the family members were at the site at the time of the blast.
One of the call’s Jewish participants, William Daroff, senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington office of the Jewish Federations of North America, retweeted during the meeting: “Jews are leading effort to kill #Irandeal”. Nowadays,...
The Islamist fanatics who rule Iran might actually welcome a nuclear exchange with Israel. And the alternative of not reaching an agreement, you know what it is?
The Palestinian Authority called on the worldwide community to hold Israel accountable for the violence against West Bank Palestinians and for their protection. Many suspect radicalized Jewish teens have been behind those attacks on Palestinian homes, agriculture and livestock,...
To date, Israeli authorities have used this measure against Israeli citizens sparingly, but have routinely applied it to Palestinians: Israel is now holding 370 Palestinians in administrative detention.
Already facing nearly guaranteed unanimous opposition from the GOP in both the House and the Senate, and an ever eroding base of support from his own party, the defection of Schumer, arguably the most high profile and high ranking member of the Democrats in the Senate, will now...
Senator Schumer is well respected in the democratic caucus and has already gathered enough support to become the next senate democratic leader when Harry Reid steps down. “If this is what counts as “leadership” among Democrats in the Senate, Senate Democrats...
In the past, Israel had defended the administrative detention of Palestinians as a necessary tool for preventing attacks. A 16-year-old girl stabbed in the incident, Shira Banki, has succumbed to her injuries.
Pitella said the use by Israel of administrative detention orders – which allow for renewable six-month periods of detention without trial – not only against Palestinians but also against extremist Jews “doesn’t help”.
“On Tu B’Av, the festival of love, when around us we are seeing more and more displays of hatred and violence that make us all cringe, we must love and respect each other”, he wrote, according to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz. “From what we’ve seen...