In the ensuing gunbattle, BSF troopers killed one terrorist while Usman fled into the dense forests by taking three locals as hostage. He also named three other over-ground LeT terrorists Ali, Shaheen and Abu Umar. However he said, Pakistan awaits Indian government approaching in...
Indiana Billionaire Donald Trump has grabbed a powerful pilot within the race to use on the 2016 You can include.S. Republican presidential nomination with the help of 25 per cents in a very very Reuters/Ipsos poll, delivering him a double-digit edge over adjacent contend Jeb Bush.
After the online site released one of Donald Trump’s cellphone numbers, the GOP presidential candidate changed his voicemail Tuesday morning. On Trump’s socialist approach to healthcare and his indifference to the issue of unalienable right with respect to marriage,...
In recent weeks, Erdogan also has highlighted the advance of the Kurdish YPG militia as a greater threat than the Islamic State to Turkey’s national security.
The transport minister also said investigators found further suspicious debris on the beaches of Reunion including what seemed to be a plane window and an aluminium foil.
Setting a combative tone, billionaire businessman Donald Trump grabbed the spotlight in the first Republican presidential debate, declaring he would not commit to supporting the party’s eventual nominee and would not rule out running as a third-party candidate.
There are significant obstacles in his path: his history of supporting liberal causes, his sclerotic campaign organisation and his limited appeal – so far – to a narrow swath of Republican voters.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that Trump, who will command centre stage at the first Republican presidential debate on Thursday, is going to wind up the party’s nominee a year from now.