In the second video, featuring Mary Gatter, Medical Director for Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, she gives estimates for the cost of body parts.
Asseri, whose side has been conducting air raids on Houthis since March 26, said the first task was to secure Aden so the government could operate from there for the moment. The coalition also struck upper of the port-city of Aden.
Bahçeli earlier suggested that the MHP form a coalition with the AK Party if it agrees to prevent President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meddling in government affairs in line with constitutional limits, end the initiative to resolve the Kurdish issue through talks with the imprisoned...
Also of significant concern is that 54% of those questioned have not been tested for hepatitis B, a virus that can remain asymptomatic and undetected but can still be transmitted to others without the person’s knowledge that he or she is infected. “Many people have...
Both leaders posed for photo shoots before moving to the third floor office of the President of the Republic of Cameroon for discussions that lasted one hour, forty minutes.
“That’s why we are under instructions from the president to preserve, and indeed we are improving – and I can’t get into that here – the military option”, Carter said.
US billionaire Donald Trump is lagging behind the leading Democratic presidential candidates, while topping the list of Republican hopefuls, according a Quinnipiac University National poll released on Thursday.
Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump will likely make the cut for the first Republican debate in Cleveland while a half a dozen will not. Nor is it lost on anyone that a recent uptick in juvenile name-calling and beyond-the-pale provocations would appear to be partly...