Donald Trump has slipped as several rival candidates have gained on the 2016 GOP front-runner, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll following the second Republican debate. She’s above water against Trump by just two points (45-43).
Republican presidential candidate and former pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson called the Muslim faith incompatible with the Constitution and said he would not support a Muslim for president of the United States.
The billionaire businessman and leading Republican candidate tweets that Fox News has been treating him “very unfairly” and that he’s going to stop appearing on its shows.
At the Values Voter Summit, a gathering of social conservatives in Washington DC, Trump received an angry response after calling his fellow Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio “a clown”. The bad news for Marco Rubio: That means Donald Trump is now paying...
The comments are sure to further inflame controversy sparked by Trump last week when he declined to correct a questioner at a New Hampshire town hall who denounced Muslims as a “problem” in the USA and asserted both the President follows the religion and wasn’t...
Trump’s most recent late night appearance, on Stephen Colbert’s new “Late Show”, was an interesting glimpse into how Trump might be handling the national (and global) ridicule surrounding his surreal presidential run.