Cleveland, Oh – Republican candidates will descend on Cleveland for a presidential debate Thursday that obliterates party precedent and tradition: The largest candidate field in the history of televised debates is spilling off the stage, and Donald Trump, a celebrity...
“We need to change how we provide degrees, how those degrees are accessed, how much that access costs, how those costs are paid, and even how those payments are determined”.
Chi town Republican presidential entrant Marco Rubio needed an overhaul of the United states.S. system on Tuesday, saying educational facilities were actually in operation just like a “alliance” and not just keeping up with the demands of participants or maybe...
Marco Rubio slammed President Obama on Wednesday for reaching out to Cuba, a country with “odious leaders” that continues to keep its citizens down with a failed socialist economy.
Jeb Bush said he was personally offended by what the billionaire businessman said and called the remarks far outside the mainstream of Republican thought.
“These funds will allow us to continue the fight to restore our military and our nation’s role in the world, and given the recent news about the nation’s stagnant economy, advocate for conservative solutions to an inefficient tax code and education reform so all...
James Pethokoukis, a scholar at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute, said Rubio deserved credit for trying to develop an agenda that goes beyond criticizing President Barack Obama and the leading Democratic contender, Hillary Clinton.
Conservative Solutions Project, a political nonprofit formed by backers of 2016 Republican candidate Marco Rubio, said Monday it has collected $15.8 million since it was established previous year.
Sen. Marco Rubio says that Americans need to train for a new economy with new skills and that one of the first steps on that path requires busting the university “cartel” that trains students for outdated jobs. And we have learned, painfully, that the old ways no...