According to Making Star Wars-a trusted source on everything that has to do with spoilers on The Force Awakens-the reason behind the friendship of Chewbacca and Han Solo is a life debt. This film extra reportedly recalled witnessing a scene being filmed in the Greenham Common...
We’ve seen a few surprising Comic-Con debuts in recent years (Christopher Nolan, Matthew McConaughey, Angelina Jolie) and Bill Murray joins that list to launch the Hall H festivities with some rock “n” roll flair.
It’s been confirmed that there will be no new footage coming out of this panel, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get a dose of insight into the new film.
When it was confirmed that we would be getting a new Jurassic Park movie, which is officially titled Jurassic World, there were a lot of sceptical people questioning the need for another instalment in the dinosaur franchise.